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    公司本着“以科技求发展,以质量求生存”的原则,坚持“用户第一;质量第一;服务第一;信誉第一”的宗旨,并将这一思路始终贯彻产、供、销等整个企业运行过程之中。公司质保体系健全并顺利通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,CCC认证,KEMA认证。产品严格执行现行国家标准及国际电工委员会IEC 521标准。近年来企业资本,产值,出口创汇,利税效益等指标逐年增长,公司连年荣誉“AAA级信用企业”,“乐清名牌产品”,“质量管理先进企业”,“浙江省名优产品”,“纳税大户”,“纳税百强”,“消费委推荐商品”且多次被评为“守合同重信用单位”,“三十强企业”,“明星企业”等荣誉称号。
 Zhejiang Songxia Electric Meter Co., Ltd. is recommended by the National Economy and Commerce Authority Department and  was  founded  in
1992. Our company is one of  the  earliest manufacturers  and  one  of  the largest exporting companies in the field of meter in Wenzhou.
      We have a building area of more than 12000 square meters. Our  company  is  furnished  with  advanced  equipment, strong technical force, and
advanced production technology. All kinds of  specifications  are  available .  We have  obtained national certificates of more than forty kinds. Our
sales network is around the whole country. Since we got independent import and export rights in 1999, our products have been popular in many countries
and regions, such as Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Italy, Sudan and Taiwan Area..
      We hold the belief of "Technology First; Quality First" and theidea of  "Customer First,  Quality Best, Service Best and Credit standard Best",  which
are  always  reflected in  the process of manufacture,  supply  and  distribution.  We have  passed the evaluation of ISO9001 Quality System certificati
on, CCC Quality Certification  and KEMA  Certification .  We carry  out  current National Standard and International Electric Technical Commission
 "IEC521" Standard strictly.
      Zhejiang  Songxia  Electric  Meter  Co., Ltd is  willing  to get ourselves in hand with clients and peer friends to move forward  together, and make
contribution to the development of China's electric industry.
公司名称: 浙江达能科技有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 浙江/温州 公司规模: 50-99人
注册资本: 100万人民币 注册年份: 1998
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00 商币
经营模式: 制造商
经营范围: 电力仪表,电能表,电气传动
销售的产品: 电压测量仪表、功率测量仪表、频率测量仪表
电工电气 / 电工仪器仪表 / 电能仪表 电工电气 / 电工仪器仪表 / 电压测量仪表 电工电气 / 电工仪器仪表 / 功率测量仪表
电工电气 / 电工仪器仪表 / 频率测量仪表